Look Wicked this Year with Posh Gosh!

Original Post from Bold Magazine

“I love heavy metal, I adore the night, I worship Satan (KIDDING DAD), I have an unhealthy attachment to guitars… and I am crafty AF.” – Jackie Abner, Owner of Posh Gosh

Wanna look wicked? Well… Good! 

Because Posh Goth by Jackie Abner is an independent makeup retailer out of Acton, Massachusetts. The owner and head apothecary, Jacqueline (Jackie) Abner has a passion for fragrances and makeup.

“I started making my own fragrances as a teenager. My mother had a menagerie of essential oils when I was growing up, and you can bet mommy’s little girl got into her collection a time or two.” – Jackie

Jackie is exactly who you’d expect to be making super cool goth makeup: a laid back, hard working business woman with an alternative approach to success… treat people with kindness and respect and be generous with yourself and your time. She’s been doing this for 20 years and calls it her “olfactory fetish.”

“I use phthalate-free fragrance oils and 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils in all of my fragrances. The oils are blended with coconut oil.”- Jackie

All fragrances are parfum strength and will last a few hours, if not all day.

Posh Goth: Stay wicked.

Feel free to check out all of their links below

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/PoshGoth/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poshgothapothecary/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxPcCBjWKnVWJTQ7nDewNkw/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Poshgothapothecary