Date Night Doesn’t Have to be Extravagant

I went to visit a friend of mine at work the other day and her store had some really fun romantic board games. Some were pretty provocative, but my favorite and the one I picked up was a date night game. It is pretty simple and I wish I had someone to use it with. All you do is dip your hand into this bucket and there are two dates on either side of a popsicle stick. You just pick the one you want to do. There are all types, some designed for men’s choices, women’s choices, both, etc.

Most of the ones I have read so far are pretty inexpensive. I am a fan. But, do you know the one day that is missing from the game that I’m dying to go on?

The Library.

That’s right, the library. All over the country, but especially in Clark County (where I live, Las Vegas), libraries have so many free things for you to do. I was listening to a radio commercial the other day that urged me to visit my local library. And, you know, what? I did. I checked out the largest one in the district, on West Sahara. Here’s what I found:

  • Free Books (obviously), audio books, e-books, etc.
  • Free DVD and CD rentals
  • Free records
  • Free Comic Books
  • A book store with $.25 books (half off of that price on “First Friday” in Las Vegas)
  • A Museum and art gallery
  • Screening rooms

That’s already one hell of a date night and doesn’t include all of the programming that I saw on posters around the building: Poetry nights, movie screenings, game nights, comic book club nights, etc.

I don’t foresee a date night, any time, soon. I am too busy and my special human and I are no more, unfortunately. But, man oh man… are there so many fun things to do there. I spent a few hours there this week getting work done in a quiet room. Free high speed wifi, bathrooms everywhere, books and magazines when you need breaks, computers if you don’t have your own. I didn’t even get to go upstairs or wander around the building. This was a great alternative to going to a coffee shop and spending $6 just to use the bathroom and sit somewhere for an hour. They even allow closed beverages and snacks in the library, as long as you’re respectful.

Touche public library… touche…